Guest blogger for TWAM

Tyne & Wear Archives invited me to be a guest blogger on their website to write and present the Spence Watson Archive Project. You can read the article here.
List of Vistors to Bensham Grove

Here is a (incomplete) list of visitors to Bensham Grove at the time of Robert and Elizabeth living in the house. Most of these would be staying at the house when theye were speaking at either the Lit & Phil, the University or for the Liberal Party. Some would have just been invited by Robert […]
The Voices of Bensham Grove

Stevie Ronnie’s creative writing workshop working with local people at Bensham Grove on the 7th April. Stevie used archival material about the visitors to the house during the Spence Watson’s time there, a number of letters found in Tyne & Wear Archives and the Robinson Library Special Collection. He also researched the quotes from Elizabeth […]
Robinson Library

The Robinson Library special collections has a great archive of letters from people to the Spence Watsons. These include letters from Arthur Conan Doyle, German revolutionist and writer on politics, history, mythology and German literature Karl Blind, Russian revolutionary Sergius Stepniak amongst others.
Two FREE Workshops in Bensham

As part of the Spence Watson project I am organising two free workshops and performances at Bensham Grove Community Centre run by artists Stevie Ronnie and Jane Dudman. These workshops are part of the Arts Council funded digital arts and heritage project, ‘The Spence-Watson Archive’, I am currently undertaking with Tyne & Wear Archive and […]
Lit & Phil
The Lit & Phil has quite a good collection of material related to Robert Spence Watson including books of poetry written by him, tracts of speeches that he presented at the Lit & Phil on a variety of subjects as well as a dissertation about Elizabeth Spence Watson which is very helpful for there is […]
Scribblers visiting Tyne & Wear Archive

The Scribblers writing group visiting Tyne & Wear Archive, some for the first time, on the 27th February, to get inspiration for their writing for the Echoes of Bensham Grove event on the 17th April.
Tyne & Wear Archive

I have been spending time in Tyne & Wear Archive researching the collections of the Spence Watson family, in particular the letters sent between Robert and Elizabeth and their daughter Mabel. The collection includes roughly a thousand letters between the family members, a book of reminisces dictated by Robert to one of his clerks, a […]